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The Insider's Edge To Real Estate Investing

Aug 31, 2022

This week’s episode is a continuation of my series that coincides with my upcoming book and name of the podcast, The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing. In this show, the grand finale of the 12-part series, I share key factors to consider when it comes to refinancing or selling a property. I discuss the role of...

Aug 23, 2022

This week’s episode is a continuation of my series that coincides with my upcoming book and name of the podcast, The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing. In this show, the eleventh of the 12-part series, I highlight the importance of building partnerships when leasing space to create win-win situations for both...

Aug 16, 2022

This week’s episode is a continuation of my series that coincides with my upcoming book and name of the podcast, The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing. In this show, the tenth of the 12-part series, I relate what differentiates value-add properties from others and how to manage changes to the property. I share...

Aug 9, 2022

This week’s episode is a continuation of my series that coincides with my upcoming book and name of the podcast, The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing. In this show, the eighth of the 12-part series, I talk about the pivoting moment when the investment you’ve been working toward moves into your own hands....

Aug 2, 2022

The Capital Stack with Special Guest Derek Eakin

This week’s episode is a continuation of my series that coincides with my upcoming book and name of the podcast, The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing. In this show, the ninth of the 12-part series, my writing partner Rachel Hartman interviews special guest...